Services and sites
Drug and alcohol services
Do you feel like your drug and/or alcohol use is getting out of control?
Is your substance use having an impact on important relationships, school or work, activities you used to enjoy, or your health?
Our range of drug and alcohol programs and services can help you. Find the one that’s right for you below.
Day Programs
YSAS Day Programs are for young people 12 – 25 years old who have significant drug and alcohol problems and want to get support while joining in on a range of activities and hobbies.
Our Day Programs run out of our Dandenong and Abbotsford sites.
Do you:
• Want a safe space to drop into?
• Don’t attend school or work during the day
• Have limited supports (social or other)
• Have housing issues?
• Want to get to know YSAS and see learn more about what we can offer you?
Then our day programs may be for you.
Call to find out more
Outreach support is flexible in lots of different ways.
Outreach means YSAS drug and alcohol workers can come to you. They will meet you in your own space or in your own community; wherever you feel safe. Our Outreach workers are based at many of our sites across Victoria.
Outreach workers support you how you want to be supported and make sure that the help you get is matched to your needs.
If you’re between 12 – 25 years and have problems with your drug and/or alcohol use an outreach worker can help by:
• Assessing your needs and making a support plan with you
• Alcohol and other drugs support and education
• Referrals and linkages
• Practical support (getting Centrelink sorted, organising a doctor’s appointment)
• Family support
• General counselling
• Justice support
• Harm minimisation
Outreach is a good option if you:
• Have a lot of other things going on in your life as well as use of drugs and alcohol
• Need practical support to get stuff sorted while working on your drug and alcohol use
• Find it hard to make it to an office to catch up with a worker
Things to think about
Sometimes you will still need to organise an appointment to meet up with your outreach worker. The appointment may be in the office or somewhere in the community that you feel comfortable.
Home-based Withdrawal Nurse
If you are between 12 – 25 years, want to go through alcohol and/or other drug withdrawal while staying at home or in community (in safe and stable accommodation with family and/or friends), home based withdrawal might be for you.
The Home Based Withdrawal Nurse can also help you with your physical and mental health, as well as link you to other wellbeing, educational, employment and recreational services.
Things to think about
Home Based Withdrawal Nurses can help you with other health issues, not only withdrawal. They provide outreach support, which means they can come to you and give you practical support with your health and other needs.
This program is a good option if you:
• Have ongoing illnesses
• Have complicated medication regimes
• Are on pharmacotherapy (Methadone, Buprenorphine)
• Have dental problems
• Are pregnant and using substances
• Have a safe home environment for withdrawal
Residential Withdrawal
If you are between 12 – 25 years YSAS Residential Withdrawal Services give you an opportunity to withdraw from drugs and/or alcohol and have a break in a drug free space. The Fitzroy Withdrawal Service (or detox) is an 8 bed unit that provides intensive support for up to 14 days and is a chance to have time away from you ‘daily’ life in a drug free space.
Withdrawal units are for young people who:
• Feel your drug and/or alcohol use is really out of control
• Feel other areas of life are in crisis (family, housing, physical and emotional health)
• Don’t have any other safe drug-free places or much support you can really on to help you try to have a break from using drugs
• Practical support (getting Centrelink sorted, organising a doctor’s appointment)
• Have tried to cut down or stop using at home or in the community but it has been hard
Each unit is staffed 24 hours a day by youth drug and alcohol workers and has primary health support staff. Medical care is provided by YSAS doctors and nurses.
We will support your physical, psychological and emotional needs during your stay to improve your health and wellbeing. You will also get a chance to learn relapse prevention, harm reduction strategies and work on your own goals.
A youth worker will be able to talk with you about what impacts your use, how using drugs affects different parts of your life and also help you to plan and practice strategies to maintain changes and keep yourself healthy and safe.
Visits from family and friends can often be arranged – there may be different rules at different units.
YSAS Residential Withdrawal Services are free, confidential and voluntary.
Activities include:
• Art, music
• Gym, swimming
• Meditation/relaxation
• Outings
Referrals can be made by:
• Young people or family members/loved ones
• YSAS Community Programs
• Meditation/relaxation
• Through community alcohol and other drug services, GPs, primary and mental health service, youth justice and homelessness services.
Things to think about
Intensive support means that there are always youth workers in the unit to help. Also, because you are ‘living’ in the unit for your stay you can’t actually come and go without supervision by staff or others as arranged. However, outings and activities (including some outside the unit) will keep you busy! On the day you arrive you will settle into the unit and you will see a doctor or medical staff who will complete a really detailed health assessment. This information helps us to keep you safe and look after you as well as we can.
Residential Rehabilitation
The program includes individual and group therapy, counselling, primary health and mental health support, regular recreational, educational, training opportunities, and development of important life skills including community living and shared responsibility. YSAS runs residential rehabilitation programs out of Bunjilwarra, our Koori Youth Alcohol and Drug Healing Service in Hastings and Birrbi in Eltham.
A youth worker will be able to talk with you about what impacts your use, how using drugs affects different parts of your life, and also help you to plan and practice strategies to maintain changes and keep yourself healthy and safe.
YSAS Rehabilitation Services are free, confidential and voluntary.
Referrals can be made by:
•Young people or family members/loved ones
• Young people or family members/loved ones
• YSAS Community Programs
Things to think about
If you decide to go to rehab you will have some meetings beforehand with staff. You will be asked a lot of questions and they will collect quite a bit of information. This is so that you can be safe and to make sure you are ready to start the program. You will also be able to ask them questions about what to expect and also tell them what you want and need to feel supported.
Before going to rehab you will need to have withdrawn from substances – this may mean attending a withdrawal unit or a home-based withdrawal and then be able to show you haven’t been using drugs for a little while. The best way to do this is a urine drug screen – you will be able to talk to staff about if/when you need to do this and also how to go about it.
Who is this best for? This program is a good option if:
• Your drug and/or alcohol use has been getting out of control
• You really want to make some changes and be drug free for a longer time
Bunjilwarra Koori Youth Alcohol and Drug Healing Service
Bunjilwarra is a 12 bed Alcohol and Other Drugs residential rehabilitation and healing service for Aboriginal young people (male and female) aged between 16 and 25 years. It is a purpose-built, state wide service situated on a 1.7 hectare site in Hastings, Victoria.
The Zone
The Zone is an innovative, new alcohol & other drugs (AOD) support program in Melbourne’s North & West for young people
(12-25) & their families.
The team of dedicated specialists (including youth workers, nurses & practice leads) offer the following services:
- Ongoing support for drug and alcohol use
- Drug education and peer support groups
- Help connecting with other health, community and essential services
- Provide support to families, chosen family or important people in your life
- Assistance with managing withdrawal
The Zone is a collaborative partnership between YSAS, Drummond Street Services, Odyssey Victoria and is funded by North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network.
Youth Empowerment Project (YEP)
The Youth Empowerment Project runs out of Sunshine.
It works with young people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds who are experiencing problems related to their drug and alcohol use.
The project focuses on supporting young people dealing with homelessness, complex relationship issues (including family violence), immigration issues and justice related issues.
Mobile Health Access Project (MHAP)
The Mobile Health Access Project is a mobile health service that runs out of Sunshine.
This project is a partnership with cohealth. It offers drug and alcohol focused outreach and health support provided by youth workers and a qualified nurse.
Family Support
The family support specialist worker is based in Bendigo.
The family specialist role is like a regular youth outreach worker who has scope to work with you and your family, caregivers or other important in your life.
This service is available to young people who engage with YSAS and provide consent for the family worker to provide this support.
We provide support with:
- Family meetings to work as a team and understand each other’s perspective and improve relationships
- Identifying strengths and goals
- Family or caregivers understanding drug use and adolescent development
Principal Practitioner (ADYPP)
The Alcohol and Drug Youth Principal Practitioner is based in Ringwood and covers the eastern region of Victoria.
The ADYPP works collaboratively with Eastern Metropolitan region Out of Home Care, Child Protection and Youth Justice Professionals to provide specialist drug and alcohol assessment and advice for high-risk young people exiting Out of Home Care, Secure Welfare or Youth Justice Centres.
The Principal Practitioner also consults on care planning, education and support for case managers and care treatment teams, while facilitating complex care coordination for young people.
Mental Health AOD Nurse Practitioner
The Mobile Health Access Project is a mobile health service that runs out of Sunshine.
This project is a partnership with cohealth. It offers drug and alcohol focused outreach and health support provided by youth workers and a qualified nurse.
Alcohol and Drug Youth Consultant (ADY-C)
The ADY-C runs out of Dandenong and Ringwood covering the Southern and Eastern Metropolitan region.
The ADY-C provides access to alcohol and drug support services for young people in residential out of home care and adolescent community placement.
The ADY-C also provides secondary consultation, professional development and capacity building to statutory services to ensure a more coordinated and integrated service response to young people with alcohol and drug issues.
REVAL Ink runs out of Dandenong Day Program however, if you are 12 -24 years and already connected with YSAS you can access the program, no matter where you live.
If you are interested in art and graphic design, would like to get to use professional design software in a supportive space and get to print your new design on a T-short or hoodie then it is time to get in contact with REVAL Ink.
Mental health support
Do you feel like you are having more bad days than good lately?
Have you noticed that you are feeling sad, scared, overwhelmed and don’t know who to talk to?
YSAS has mental health programs for people aged 12–25 years that can support you.
YSAS is the lead agency for headspace Frankston and Rosebud and Collingwood.
headspace is a health service for young people aged 12–25 who live, work or go to school in the Frankston and Mornington Peninsula or the Collingwood areas.
If you need support with your mental health, physical health, drug and alcohol and work and study headspace can help you. There are lots of services & programs that are in the one space which means you can be linked to the one which is right for you.
YSAS Mental Health Nurse and Practitioner
The YSAS Mental Health AOD Nurse Practitioner is based in Bendigo.
They work to provide sexual health testing, vaccination check-ups, referrals to AOD withdrawal and rehabilitation programs, pharmacotherapy and psychological interventions.
Youth Support Programs
Do you feel like you need help getting things back on track?
Maybe you’ve had problems with the police, you really want to get back into school or would like to stop fighting with your family so much.
YSAS has specialised programs for people aged 10 – 25 years that can guide you.
Youth Support Service
Youth Support Service (YSS) runs out of Gippsland, Ringwood, Dandenong, Frankston/Mornington Peninsula, Sunshine and Collingwood.
If you are between 10 – 17 years, have recently been in contact with police and could be at risk of entering the youth justice system this program can help.
YSS is voluntary, which means that it is up to you whether you are part of the program. It is separate from the legal process and is here to support you and your family to reach your goals.
YSS can help you and your family to deal with problems before they get too serious.
Referrals are made by Victoria Police who have got consent from you and your parent/s.
Things to think about
If you have been referred to YSS by police you will get a phone call from a worker to make sure that you want our help and to find out what has been going on for you. A time to talk on the phone again or an in-person appointment will also be organised.
When you meet your worker they will ask questions about different parts of your life so they can support you in the best way possible and make goals that are right for you.
YSS often works with you and your family (where possible) because we understand that in good and not so good ways, they have a big effect on you (and you have a big effect on them!)
Who is this best for? This program is a good option if you:
• Have recently been in contact with police
• Have been doing risky things lately (running away from home, getting into fights)
• Have Court coming up and need some advice
• Want to make some changes so you don’t keep getting in trouble with police.
Pivot, the Youth Crime Prevention program, aims to increase protective factors, community connectedness and sustained engagement in school, training and/or employment for young people aged 14-22 years who are serious or recidivist offenders. Intensive case work, tailored support plans, and therapeutic and family-based interventions address the challenges faced by the young people, and divert them away from chronic, long-term offending.
PIVOT is run in partnership with Windana, Jesuit Social Services, Mission Australia and Kids First Australia which supports young people residing in Dandenong, Casey, Frankston and Mornington Peninsula LGAs.
Duration of support is long-term to affect meaningful and positive change in the young people’s lives.
Embedded Youth Outreach program (EYOP)
The Embedded Youth Outreach Program (EYOP) runs out of Dandenong and Werribee.
The project is a partnership with Victoria Police and provides after-hours assertive outreach support for young people coming into contact with Police.
The role of the youth worker is to help police connect more positively with young people and to responsively assess their needs so the right support and referrals can be offered.
Reach Out Program
The Reach Out program runs out of Sunshine.
The program supports young people experiencing high levels of risk who also have historic or current engagement with Child Protection, or are moving from Out of Home Care to independent living.
Workers help young people to link into the right services, such as Youth Justice, Family Violence, Homelessness or Mental Health and local youth services.
The Transformer Program runs out of Dandenong and provides services to young people in the City of Greater Dandenong, City of Casey and Shire of Cardinia.
An assertive outreach approach is used to connect with young people from new and emerging communities as well as their peers and families. The program works in practical ways to increase access to resources, encourage pro-social community connection, strengthen family relationships and support young people to engage in education, employment and other meaningful activities.
Many young people in the Transformer Program are involved in Youth Justice and Community Corrections. However, young people do not require referrals from these agencies to access the program. Family members and carers, community members and young people are welcome to get in contact directly with YSAS Dandenong to seek access to the Transformer Program.
Collingwood Football Club Reclink
The Collingwood Knights program runs out of Victoria Park, Collingwood and is part of the Reclink Football League.
The football club is a safe and positive place for people who have experienced social and emotional challenges to participate in a sports and recreation program. There are coaches, youth workers and support crew available at every session.
If you are 15 years or older and interested in playing football (all genders and abilities welcome), this is the right program.
Police Citizens Youth Club
The Police Citizens Youth Club (PCYC) runs out of a recreation space in Werribee.
The program enables young people to participate in boxing, mentoring and social activities while also having an opportunity to build a strong and positive relationship with police.