Urgent Help
IS THIS AN EMERGENCY? Are you or others in danger? Do you need an ambulance or the police? 24 HOURS
Lifeline 24 hour phone line for crisis support and suicide prevention. 24 HOURS
13YARN 24 hour crisis phone line support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. 24 HOURS

Strategic Plan

It’s no secret we have big plans for the future. As we say in our vision statement, we want to create a community where all young people are valued, included and have every opportunity to thrive.

YSAS Strategic Plan Excellence in Practice

The YSAS 2022 – 2025 Strategic Plan is a product of collective effort involving our Board, Youth Advocates and young people accessing our services, and over 350 YSAS staff. We’ve also benefited from guidance and input by First Nations Elders, peers and partners.

We value honesty, accountability, empowerment and respect at YSAS. These values have been upheld by everyone involved in developing this Strategic Plan and will underpin its implementation.