Urgent Help
IS THIS AN EMERGENCY? Are you or others in danger? Do you need an ambulance or the police? 24 HOURS
Lifeline 24 hour phone line for crisis support and suicide prevention. 24 HOURS
13YARN 24 hour crisis phone line support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. 24 HOURS


Based in the centre of Fitzroy, the Withdrawal Unit is a supportive and inclusive space.

You will feel at home in the light-filled living area, the open courtyard playing basketball, or in the kitchen where you can make a healthy snack.

At YSAS Fitzroy you will have your own bedroom, a private space for you to take time out when you need it.

Reach out to YSAS Fitzroy by giving us a call.


This is what to expect when you arrive at a YSAS withdrawal unit. If you have any questions about this service feel free to DM us! #withdrawal #drugwithdrawal #fitzroy

♬ original sound – YSAS
Youth AOD Worker Nathan
(03) 9415 9996

Meet Nathan

Hi, I’m Nathan. I’m a Youth AOD Worker at the Fitzroy Residential Withdrawal Unit, dedicated to helping young people create fulfilling lives.

My own positive experiences with YSAS as a young person helped shape who I am today.

We are a team of passionate Youth AOD Workers and Nurses dedicated to supporting young people along their journeys, and providing holistic care for their psychological, emotional, and physical needs while they withdraw from alcohol or drug use.

At YSAS Fitzroy we are committed to educating young people on a diverse range of topics such as drug education, harm reduction, relapse prevention, and emotional regulation, in order to empower young people to build their resilience and continue their path to personal growth.

When you come to YSAS Fitzroy, you’ll have a private room, 24/7 support and help with setting SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-limited) goals to start your withdrawal journey.

During your stay you will have access to gyms and pools offsite, weekly movie nights, recreational outings and more to help make your time here as supportive and comfortable as possible. There is a kitchen full of food and staff will make lunch and dinner daily. If you want to learn how to cook, they have the option of assisting staff with meal preparation.

We know that connection is important, and therefore young people will be able to have up to 2 approved friends or family visit once per week.



“My own positive experiences with YSAS as a young person helped shape who I am today”


Residential Withdrawal

The Fitzroy Withdrawal Unit is a space for 12 – 25 year olds to withdraw from drugs and/or alcohol and have a break in a drug free, supportive and inclusive space.

YSAS Fitzroy is an 8 bed unit that provides intensive support for up to 14 days and is a chance to have time away from you ‘daily’ life..

Withdrawal units are for young people who:

• Feel your drug and/or alcohol use is really out of control
• Feel other areas of life are in crisis (family, housing, physical and emotional health)
• Don’t have any other safe drug-free places or much support you can really on to help you try to have a break from using drugs
• Practical support (getting Centrelink sorted, organising a doctor’s appointment)
• Have tried to cut down or stop using at home or in the community but it has been hard

Each unit is staffed 24 hours a day by youth drug and alcohol workers and has primary health support staff. Medical care is provided by YSAS doctors and nurses.

We will support your physical, psychological and emotional needs during your stay to improve your health and wellbeing. You will also get a chance to learn relapse prevention, harm reduction strategies and work on your own goals.

A youth worker will be able to talk with you about what impacts your use, how using drugs affects different parts of your life and also help you to plan and practice strategies to maintain changes and keep yourself healthy and safe.

Visits from family and friends can often be arranged – there may be different rules at different units.

YSAS Residential Withdrawal Services are free, confidential and voluntary.

Activities include:

  • Art, music
  • Gym, swimming
  • Meditation/relaxation
  • Outings

Referrals can be made by:

  • Young people or family members/loved ones
  • YSAS Community Programs
  • Meditation/relaxation
  • Through community alcohol and other drug services, GPs, primary and mental health service, youth justice and homelessness services.

Things to think about

Intensive support means that there are always youth workers in the unit to help. Also, because you are ‘living’ in the unit for your stay you can’t actually come and go without supervision by staff or others as arranged. However, outings and activities (including some outside the unit) will keep you busy! On the day you arrive you will settle into the unit and you will see a doctor or medical staff who will complete a really detailed health assessment. This information helps us to keep you safe and look after you as well as we can.